Thursday, June 28, 2007

Art in America

The current June/July issue of Art in America features TP's extensive article on Hogarth.


Anonymous said...

that cover is bad UGLY. please take it away.

Phanero Noemikon said...

interesting echo between
the cover and the hogarthian
"serpentine line of beauty"

does this mean that feminist painting
is somehow re-enacting an "aztec [$anti$][*pre/-/post*]aesthetic" by the forcible interruption of the wave, or is the representation always composed of pure sinuosity at some other level of granularity, rendering perception a kind of Alice in Wonderland 'discursive' nomadism
between levels of signification and sites of determinacy..

Hogarth is Cool.
I want this issue.

Nice to see your blog, Mr. Phillips.