Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Meanwhile I have got behind with Humument pages. Here is the most recent. It will appear in my exhibition later in the month at Flowers New York but has been done in time to mark the show that opens next week at the Keiller Library of SNGMA Edinburgh. A Humument can serve as a book of reptrospective prophecy. When reworking p4 I was taken aback by finding 'nine eleven' emerging from Mallock’s 19th century text. I have joined this to two images from A Postcard Century that were indeed prophetic, featuring as they do the towers being attacked by Saturn and King Kong. One of the things I enjoy most is the 'only connect' aspect of linking one work of mine to another, so that all projects can be seen as parts of a single enterprise.


Mike C. said...

I wonder if you're the first to have noticed the symmetry of 9 and 11 in Roman numerals? It has the added appeal of being symmetrical in either US (9/11) or Euro (11/9) usage. Very Tom Phillips...

Mike C. said...

Plus, of course, I notice that the Roman "two" of the towers, when deleted with crosses makes the two ominous Roman numerals, or does that veer a little too close to the vertigo of conspiracy theories ...

ruth said...

and there's that word again...meanwhile.

lovely post.

Anonymous said...

Once again, a piece designed to provide plenty of inspiration and thought.
It is clear throughout A Humument that "only connect" is what it's really all about, establishing a pretty high standard of connective playfulness to aspire to. (Oh, and that's one of my favorite Humument pages: "merely connect.")